Globa lsatellite telecommunications
HDTV Media Group HD High Definition here and around the World available now trough our Network Teleports Oration uplinks Broadcasts division & operates the most advanced digital platforms; includes uplink, downlinks and turnaround services for global distributions for HD video transmissions of television, channels. radio and data IP applications.
HDTV Media Group firmly believes that satellite private networks will play a growing and indispensable role in meeting the increasing demands for multimedia services and electronic connectivity around the world. The rapid globalization of the telecommunications industry and the exponential growth of the Internet are placing severe demands on global telecommunications network capabilities. This demand is further increased by the convergence of computing and communications and by the increasing new applications such as Web casting, desktop and video conferencing. Satisfying customer network requirements is one of the industries greatest challenges. With its advanced satellite communication networks, HDTV Media Group Network Teleports is poised to be an integral part of the newly emerging national and global information infrastructures. Satellite communication offers a number of advantages over traditional terrestrial point-to-point Networks. These include:
1.Wide geographic coverage including interconnection of remote terrestrial networks.
2. Bandwidth on demand, or Demand Assignment
Multiple Access (DAMA) capabilities.
3.An alternative to damaged fiber-optic
networks for disaster Recovery options.
4. Multipoint to multipoint
communications facilitated, in many cases, by interoperability with
the Internet.
Network Quality Broadcast Video.
Satellite HDTV Media Group Network offers
universal connectivity to domestic and international Transmission
markets, while retaining the key HDTV Media Group Teleports Network
benefits that are so crucial in today's Competitive Economic Environment.